London's travel watchdog has accused TfL and DafT of conniving in a shadowy 'backroom' deal.
In a badly written press release Sharon Grant, Chairwoman of London TravelWatch, said:
“We are appalled that when the go-ahead for the second phase of the East London Line extension was announced, no mention was made that passengers would be losing out in this way and that undertakings previously given were being abandoned. It is nothing short of deceitful: deliberately not telling the public is 'spin’ at its worst.”
At this point The Fact Compiler lost the will to live.
But if you travel to Victoria from Denmark Hill, Camberwell, Clapham, Wandsworth Road and East Dulwich you may still be interested so have a look yourself.
Meanwhile the Eye recommends that London TravelWatch invests in a course on press release writing.
UPDATE: Transport Briefing explains
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