Despite depressing headlines about greedy TOCs increasing fares by 11% it's good to know that the All Line Rail Rover still offers good value for money.
Indeed, on his recent rail odyssey Lord Adonis felt moved to write:
"As for cost, I am expecting to do the whole trip, standard class, for £375... using a seven-day 'all-line rail rover'. This is a ticket no one seems to have heard of, perhaps because it is so poorly advertised."
Poorly advertised it may have been, but after all the media coverage surrounding Adonis' trip the All Line Rail Rover is better known now than ever.
So what better time for ATOC to increase the Rovers price by a massive 14.5% !
From 17th May the 7 day version of the All Line Rover will increase from £375 to an eye-watering £430.00!
And you can forget taking Adonis up on his idea of buying one so the kids can "get to know their own country". The childrens version goes up by whopping £39, from £245 to £284!
What a splendid way to take the wind straight out of the Transport Minister's sails!
Let the Eye be first to congratulate ATOC's new team for mastering their brief so quickly.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago