Captain Deltic may wish to look away now!
Unhappy D9009.
This is of course the same loco that was previously owned by Porterbrook.
And which errr... 'got on fire' on its first public outing after being expensively repainted in the Rosco's livery...
UPDATE: This from an 'Old Porterbrookian'...
Oh no it wasn't!
Porterbrook had 9016 Gordon Highlander.
That was the one which 'got on fire' - nicely snatching defeat from the jaws of a PR victory.
The Fact Compiler stands corrected - a shame as it was a jolly good headline!
UPDATE: This from our International Correspondent...
Fact Compiler - you are such a pants trainspotter!
UPDATE: This just in from Driver Potter...
How sad.
A beached Gunboat.
What a shame there wasn't a third rail present - clearly some form of stabaliser is required...
UPDATE: This from our International Correspondent...
Driver Potter bewails the absence of a third rail beneath the beached gunboat.
It would just result in the East Coast greyhound emitting a shower of sparks.
And we already know what a Deltic with sparks coming out looks like:
Hopefully we have now managed to work into this thread the correct engine number (and associated PR Own Goal for Porterbrook) that the Fact Compiler thought he was talking about first time round.
No, no, no! I was talking about the second time it "got on fire", or was it the third, just after leaving Brush in 1999 in its pretty new Porterbook livery.
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3 weeks ago