So a truly disastrous day for London Midland.
Nothing running on the franchise, with the honourable exception of the Liverpool - Birmingham route.
First a bit of background.
Several months ago London Midland found it difficult to operate all its timetabled Sunday services.
Sunday is of course a rest day and therefore not a rostered turn, requiring staff to volunteer to crew services.
In an attempt to buy its way out of trouble the beleaguered TOC agreed to pay traincrew double time to work on Sundays!
Double time on a £37k drivers salary - nice work if you can get it.
This couldn't last, not least because DfT has been making dark noises about LM costs being "out of control".
So an end to this cosy arrangement was never in doubt.
What is causing surprise is LM's apparent lack of preparedness for the obvious backlash.
Why, for instance, weren't managers drafted in to provide a token London service?
No doubt Lord Adonis will be asking the same question of Captain Permatan at their next meeting (sans biscuits).
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3 weeks ago