A word on today's exciting announcement that the new, improved, East Coast main line timetable will not now be introduced until May 2011.
Remember, you read it all here and here first!
UPDATE: This from our man at 222 Marylebone Road...
A Network Rail spokesman said: "We have been measuring punctuality in the same way since 1996 and no matter how you slice it we are more punctual than ever. There are now more trains on the network. We are certainly better than British Rail ever was."
Today's NR press release says: "The DfT has also asked us to look into the possibility of running a sub-four hour service each weekday from London to Edinburgh and back. We understand the benefits to passengers of reducing journey times, especially on a long-distance route such as the East Coast Main Line, and will always try to make the best use of the capacity available on such a busy route. Over the coming months we will consult with the eight passenger and freight train operators that use the East Coast Main Line to understand what is involved in attempting to introduce sub-four hour services and come to a decision that delivers the most benefits.”
So we'll take that as a 'no' then.
1991 ECML summer timetable, the first after electrification the 06.30 from Edinburgh arrived in London at 10.33, an end-to-end average speed of 97 mph including stops at Newcastle and York.
There was a Northbound 15.00 train from Kings Cross running a minute faster.
Subsequently the headline time came down to 3hr 59 min.
"Better than BR ever was"?
Prove it.
UPDATE: This from Lobby Fodder...
It would appear that the open access lot aren't happy with the Noble Lord's shiny new timetable.
Apparently Grand Central are already consulting My Learned friends!
UPDATE: This from Leo Pink...
And Network Rail were not exactly amused to find that the agreed wording had changed overnight and that the noble lord had unilaterally committed them to 'facilitate' the sub 4hr London-Edinburgh journey time which is nigh on impossible in a clock-face timetable which assumes all trains run to the same timings.
And as for Adonis' pledge to reinstate the Flying Scotsman, doesn't he know it left Kings Cross at 10.00?
UPDATE: This from Sir Humphrey Beeching...
People are getting a little over excited about this election winning pork-barrel timetable.
If everyone just calmed down they would realise it will all be forgotten after the 6th May...
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