Telegrammed by the Raver
This from NedRail...
NedRailways today announced the launch of its new name, Abellio.
In the annals of meaningless names - Diageo, Accenture, Aviva, Consignia - this surely goes straight to number one.
Apparently Abellio was a Celtic god.
Not unlike this one, which carries a broken wheel and a mighty chopper...
...but that's the Dutch for you.
It's the sort of thing Desmond Morris wrote books about.
UPDATE: This from The Archer, no doubt after a good lunch...
The choice of new name and logo is almost genius, with a double L to signify the rails (or road for the buses) which get you from A to b.
Of course, fellatio has the same double L and is somewhat easier on the tongue.
UPDATE: This from an Anonymous Dutch reader...
Might I suggest ClogTrans?
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago