This from Archimedes...
It all looks as if the preparation for Eureka!!!!!! are going swimmingly.
East Coast has belatedly realised that, with just three months to go, it has to plan and prepare for the introduction of a major timetable change - with all the fleet and crew rostering to sort out etc....
As it took Virgin 18 months to do the same for its "VHF" timetable change (and they only just achieved it in time) East Coast is reported to be imploring the industry for help, particularly from "anyone with experience of bringing in a major timetable change".
At a recent meeting one senior EC chap sniffily told an assembled gathering of industry bigwigs "we're doing this without any offers of help from any of you"
To which the response was "That's because you haven't asked us!".
Readers may care to avoid the ECML on the 22nd May.
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3 weeks ago