This from Louise Ellman at Thursday's Westminster Hall debate on Investment Priorities for the Railways:
The Select Committee takes rail investment extremely seriously and will give the McNulty report full consideration in due course, along with the Government's White Paper on the future of rail.
So. Petrol-head has managed to create time in the legislative timetable for a Railways Bill.
In ye olden days the convention was that a Green Paper would be issued in advance of a White Paper.
For those under the age of forty, a Green Paper was a clearly announced consultation document containing policy proposals for debate and discussion before the Government made a decision on the contents of a White Paper (a White Paper, of course, contains detailed proposals for legislation).
Eye assumes that the endeavours of McNulty and LEK constitute such a consultation.
Meanwhile the industry had better brace itself for another Tory legislative restructuring of our industry. Let us hope it is more succesful than that of 1993?
With places on Petrol-head's High Level Group as yet unfilled it will be interesting to see who will be invited to sup with the devil.
Not only will these exalted ones help shape Hammond's exciting new Railway's Bill, they will also create a structure for the industry that could last for the next twenty years.
Meanwhile, those who care about the railways, but left out in the cold by McNulty's 'industry consultation' and adrift from Hammond's HLG may take comfort from the 'Yew-turn' the ConDems were forced to execute over Forest policy this week.
After all, it's not just woodland that has branches.
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