Telegrammed by the Wicked Weaver
The newly refurbished Virgin rake of Mark IIIs (complete with it's own DVT) is indeed splendid and available for charter.
However, on trying to view the scenery one is presented with a problem.
And is the centre panel advising the intending evacuee that there may be deep snow?
UPDATE: This from Eobhann...
Maybe the window signs on the refurbished MK III rake are to cut down the window size to the same piss-poor dimensions as those on the Dildos.
After all, Beardie Rail don’t want passengers realising just how good the view was from the ‘old decrepit stock’ that use to ply the WCML.
Oh, hang on. Isn’t this wonderful set some of that ‘old decrepit stock’? Fancy that!
UPDATE: This from Westmount Lad...
Somewhere I read that this set is known as the "Pretendolino" ?
UPDATE: This from Driver Potter...
Suggestion for centre pictogram No.1:
Maximum fill-line for the train fish tank?
UPDATE: This from a Mr Malins...
You should know that apart from pointless signs and tedious announcements, this train has now earned a slightly more topical nickname:
Slam Door Millionaire
Eye asks if this refers to the train, Sir Beardie or Porterbrook?
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
4 weeks ago