Like her namesake Eddie, Labour's Shadow Transport Secretary is going downhill fast!
This from Maria the Eagle, in the Evening Standard...
"The Tory-led government has delayed the completion of vital rail projects including Crossrail and Thameslink in London, cut new carriages planned by Labour and hit commuters with massive fare increases.
"At the same time they plan to only spend £750million of the £17.5billion cost of the proposed new high-speed line to Birmingham. Labour will next month launch a root and branch review of our transport policy with nothing ruled in or out.
"It would be irresponsible to make cast-iron spending commitments for beyond 2015 before we have listened to the public and come to conclusions about our future priorities."
Where is the Noble Lord when you need him?
UPDATE: This from Captain Deltic...
Could you avoid repeating Maria the Eagle's utterances on new train orders as it raises my blood pressure?
The 1300 HLOS vehicles promised in the 2007 White Paper shrank relentlessly under the last administration, to the point that the Coalition inherited live bids for only a handful of EMUs for London Midland and the putative Manchester Scotland Franchise which, come to think of it, sounds more like an Alliance Rail proposal than Government Policy.
Meanwhile 670 days and counting!
UPDATE: This from the Worlds Greatest Living Transport Correspondent...
Shameless bit of self-marketing...
I’m organising one of my Wolmar Transport Lunches on March 7th with Ms Eagle, where leading lights of the industry can try to influence her thinking!
Details from me at
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
4 weeks ago