Eye would like to wish all readers a peaceful Christmas and prosperous New Year
And in particular The Fact Compiler would like to thank the following for their contributions and continued support: Biggles, Billy Connections, Captain Deltic, Dr Dyonisius Lardner, Driver Potter, Gordon Gecko, Ithuriel, Kendo Nagasaki, Leo Pink, Nigel Harris, Our International Correspondent, Our Man at 222 Marylebone Road, Reginald Slicker, Robert Wright, Sim Harris, Sir Humphrey Beeching, Sir William Pollitt, SN Barnes, Steve Strong, The Archer, The Indpendent Expert, The NR Internet Rapid Rebuttal Unit, The Mad Hatter, The Major, The Shunter, The Velopodist, Tony Miles and all others who have contributed to this blog over the last year.
Finally a tip of the bowler to all those in the industry who take Eye's splenetic utterances in good spirit.
Here's to 2011...
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2 weeks ago