Lots of locally-based Polish agricultural labourers - and other Poles - use Peterborough station.
Is it 'pointless' to make sure they know it is illegal to trespass on the track?
Presumably the 'brytyjska policje transportowa' put this up to deal with a specific local problem. Doubtless death-by-railway is a grand final solution to the 'immigration problem' in some folk's unsavoury minds. But it's messy and disruptive, don't you know!
UPDATE: This from London Dwelling Urbanite...
The railways are baffling enough for English speakers...
Surely everyone else needs all the help they can get!
UPDATE: This from Alrey there Yet?...
I'm not sure why you considered a sign in Polish at Peterborough station to be pointless. There's a large Polish population in Peterborough, most of which have arrived recently although there's been Polish people in Peterborough since the end of WWII.
Now a piece on how ridiculous it is that there's no line Westwards south of Peterborough would be interesting!
UPDATE: This from Jamie Joyce...
Why is this pointless?
Useful notice for Polish community to stay off the tracks!
UPDATE: This from Admiral Sikorski...
Dear gówno compiler... (sadly owing to pressure of space Eye is unable to reproduce the rest of this valuable contribution from Admiral Sikorski. Ed)