It is an established fact that the Department for Transport does not micro-manage the railway.
As is well known DafT would rather set broad policy but expects franchises to take day-to-day responsibility for their businesses.
Without interference from Whitehall - of course.
But what's this?
David Laws, LibDem MP for Yeovil has become much agitated over SWT plans to reduce staffing at Crewkerne and Yeovil Junction stations, particularly their potential effect on disabled access
Laws met Rail Minister Tom Harris yesterday
"The Minister told me that he understood these concerns, and encouraged anyone who shares them to write to Passenger Focus. If enough complaints are received, they will write to the Minister and he will be able to consider the case for vetoing the plans." he said.
What a Labyrinthine way to go about it. Write to Passenger Focus so that they can tell the Minister something he already knows? The Fact Compiler recommends writing direct to the Organ Grinder rather than the Monkeys.
Mind you, at least it would give PassengerFocus something to do whilst they ponder how long to delay publication of the next Passenger Satisfaction Survey.
Hulleys’ Closure - My Thoughts
3 days ago