The Fact Compiler had assumed that last night's ATOC/NR fringe event was subject to Chatham House rules and therefore suppressed the urge to blog - despite much temptation.
Fortunately Tom Harris, fearless of his party's feminist banshees, has posted his opening gambit on his own blog so it's now fair game!
"Since being appointed rail minister, I’ve “gone native”, as it were, and found myself doing something I would never have imagined doing before: buying railway magazines at W.H. Smith. But to avoid embarrassment, I also buy a copy of Playboy to put the rail magazine inside."
The Fact Compiler wonders why its only Rail magazine that he has to hide inside a porno mag?
As a modally agnostic minister does he therefore shroud Modern Railways in Aviation Today or mask Railway Magazine with Autocar?
Perhaps we should be told.
Meanwhile readers of Railway Eye are invited to assist Tom with alternative opening gags for industry events - contributions here.
Hulleys’ Closure - My Thoughts
3 days ago