The Fact Compiler can barely conceal his excitement when the latest FCP Quarterly flops through the letter box.
As usual it is packed full of wonderous wisdom from the industry's Operators of Last Resort.
Better still there is a glossy insert tucked into the latest edition.
A conference flyer - which boldly states "Influencing the Policy Agenda for Rail in the UK".
The Fact Compiler thinks, for a fleeting moment, that this is the call to arms he has been waiting for!
An opportunity for the great and good to come together, think strategically and determine how our industry really can best 'influence the policy agenda for rail in the UK."
Alas, the flyer merely pushes several lacklustre lectures given by the usual industry rent-a-gobs and designed to part sharp suited consultancy carpet baggers from their money.
Nice work if you can get it.
Hulleys’ Closure - My Thoughts
4 days ago