Telegrammed by the man on the Bernina Express
This from the the DafT release announcing further gating of stations in the South East:
The announcement follows the recent installation of Europe's longest ticketing line at Waterloo station, where security has improved on trains...
Transport Minister Andrew Adonis said: "As the experience at Waterloo has proven, these measures will improve station security by increasing staffing at night seven days a week."
Sorry, this "security" thing is total shiite.
I happened to pass through Waterloo last Wednesday, 18th, at 21:45 and ALL ticket gates in vicinity of platforms 16-19 were OPEN.
There was no security.
And wouldn't you think those chaps at SWT, desperate for revenue, would ensure the barriers are working.
Oh, silly me, SWT staff man the barriers.
And with the company having announced a further 180 job cuts, including revenue protection staff, this can only occur more often.
Time my Lord Adonis left his Marsham Street ivory tower and went out and about on the real railway!
UPDATE: Captain Deltic explains patiently:
It's like this, Andrew:
A gate line like that at Waterloo is quite labour intensive because you need staff to cope with anomalies such as people using warrants, tickets that refuse to be read, people with bags or buggies who can't get through and so on.
Employing barrier staff in the evening is not economic in commercial terms, when you've signed up to a diminishing subsidy.
On the other hand, if like TfL you believe that staffing stations during operating hours is the right thing to do, and you are taking revenue risk., then gating is not an on-cost and you can slash fare evasion from over 15% to under 5%. .
Why not get your officials to organise a day out bashing LOROL?
Hulleys’ Closure - My Thoughts
1 day ago