More good news from ATOC's thrusting new team.
Murdoch's Sun has usually proven a good friend to the railway.
Previous promotions with the Currant Bun have generated conversion rates of 150,000 to 200,000 transactions.
According to exasperated sources ATOC's latest 2FOR1 offer resulted in a mere 10,000 punters taking up the offer.
As this is much less than 10% of what was achieved in the past how have Roberts' Bright Eyed Boys justified the debacle?
Severe weather conditions affected rail services and dominated the news.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, cash strapped owner groups are looking to renegotiate their annual membership fees.
Monday, 16 March 2009
It was the Sun that lost it
Crap advertising,
Dead tree media,
Piss poor PR,
The Sun