Are the LibDem's Transport Team clutching at straws?
The muesli munchers have been bombarding anyone foolish enough to give them an email address with a growing number of loopy press releases screeching about how utterly piss-poor the railways are.
In their latest effort the flip-flop wearers moan about the number of unstaffed stations on the network.
While train companies are announcing staffing cuts across the network, the Liberal Democrats have released new research showing that one third of stations are totally unstaffed.
No shit, Sherlock!
Perhaps when the LibDem's take power (the week after hell freezes over) stations like Loch Eil Outward Bound and Coombe Junction will be staffed for the very first time! Ensuring unparalleled levels of customer service for the one man and his dog who actually use these wayside halts.
So come on Norman Baker - without demonstrating the economics of the madhouse, what is your solution?
Meanwhile this sort of PR poppycock masquerading as 'news' is just plain silly. Please stop it now.
Friday, 3 April 2009
Norman wisdom...
Piss poor PR