Telegrammed by our Independent Expert
Radio4's 'You and Yours' consumer show ran an item today about FGW cutting back on restaurant cars.
Breathless reporter comes on 'live from the train'. (starts about 11:30 in)
But the station announcement, presumably dubbed in by an over excited editor, proclaims "Reading-Bramley-Basingstoke".
A travelling chef sausage-burger to the first Eyer who can recall the last time a restaurant car stopped at Bramley (pop. 3393).
UPDATE: This just in from an 'Anonymous' reader...
Travelling yesterday on one of our (formerly) great main lines I was told the only food left available to standard was ham or bacon.
Vegetarians are not protected by law but surely Jewish and Muslim passengers also have a right to eat on the move?
Hulleys’ Closure - My Thoughts
4 days ago