This just in from Mutley...
Scrolling through the Letting of Rail Franchises report and paragraph 7 in chapter 1 caught my eye and may help explain a few things:
"The Department has operated with fewer staff than the Strategic Rail Authority, bringing the cost of managing franchises down from £7.3 million in 2004–05 to £5.7 million in 2007–08. Some 30% of staff had departed within two years of the change in responsibility.
The Department expects people to move on every two or three years and many Strategic Rail Authority staff had been in post for some time. The Department’s rail service delivery team does not normally recruit from the wider civil service. It recruits largely from the railway industry itself instead, and has difficulty in attracting and retaining staff because it pays salaries towards the bottom quartile of that industry."
The department expects resource to 'move on' every two to three years and has difficulty attracting and retaining staff because it pays 'bottom quartile' industry salaries.
As a result, 30% of staff have gone and operating costs reduced to £5.7m in 2007-2008.
In other words DafT franchise management costs have come down but the result is that the department is now populated by a revolving door of demotivated staff on burger-flipper wages!
But hang on a minute, is this the same department that spends £15m on consultancy fees to procure the frankenstein train which may or may not actually happen?
UPDATE: This just in from Robert Wright over at the Pink 'Un...
The section on how the DfT's franchising people weren't up to much because the organisation didn't pay enough was fascinating.
Perhaps a sign of how Network Rail may end up if the bonus-hackers get their way in future years...
UPDATE: This just in from J Alfred Prufrock...
So let's get this right.
If Coucher doesn't have the prospect of doubling his basic half a million plus a year he will either
A) Be demotivated and only go through the motions for his £250 per hour,
B) Say 'blow this for a game for soldiers and go and do something better paid and/or providing greater job satisfaction.
Must be hell being trapped in a job because you need the money.
I blame the ORR.
It's the system that's wrong.
They didn't need whips to get the rowers going flat out in the Greek triremes at the battle of Salamis.
But ORR assumes that the only way to get railwaymen to do a proper job is to make them dependent on bonuses for a half decent standard of living.
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
More on the PAC report
Camel Class,
Frankenstein Train,
J Alfred Prufrock,
Zombie Train