Sky News reporting that Business Minister Lady Vadera is expected to leave Government.
The railway industry will remember her fondly for the masterful way she broke the Underground.
Gordon next?
UPDATE: This from Leo Pink...
Nor should we forget that Lady Vadera was also instrumental in breaking Railtrack thus making her responsible for the 2004 Periodic Review which saw annual railway subsidy soar to £100 million per head of population!
UPDATE: This from Lazarus...
According to Leo "the 2004 Periodic Review which saw annual railway subsidy soar to £100 million per head of population!"
No wonder there's an exclamation mark, that's a total of £6,000,000,000,000,000 per year, or roughly 1500 times the UK GDP. Wow!
UPDATE:This from Leo Pink...
My apologies.
I was calculating the size of my bonus when I broke off to telegram Railway Eye with my thoughts on Lady V.
As a result I was thinking in millions.
The sum should of course be £100 per head..
Hulleys’ Closure - My Thoughts
3 days ago