Good to see that Lord Adonis remains committed to the principles of Open Government and transparency.
These weasel words given on the 18th January:
Lord Bradshaw (Liberal Democrat)
To ask Her Majesty's Government further to the Written Answer by Lord Adonis on 16 December 2009 (WA 233), how many civil servants were seconded to the private sector in the transport industries during 2008 and 2009.
Lord Adonis (Secretary of State, Department for Transport; Labour)
In instances where there are five or fewer occurrences, it is Department for Transport policy not to release information on grounds of confidentiality
Can you help Lord Bradshaw with his question?
If you find a Sir Humphrey lying around your railway company perhaps you could let Lord B know.
UPDATE: This from Sinoda...
With reference to the mysterious whereabouts of the Sir Humphreys amongst the TOCs, perhaps the answer is that they are all invisible.
As this advertisement says "Watch out, watch out, there's a (Sir) Humphrey about!"
The Fact Compiler observes - "birds dipping their beaks" - those were the days!
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Hunt the Sir Humphrey
DafT gets revenge,
Democratic defecit