With a bowler tip to the Moving People blog...
Of course Michael Palin's admission that he has only travelled on the service "once" may go someway to explaining why the service is 'under threat'...
UPDATE: This from The Archer...
Michael Palin's piece on the beeb was more interesting for what it didn't say, namely that open access operators are supposedly good for competition, than for what it did.
Which makes WSMR's claim that if Arriva start to run a similar service, the 'under threat' operator will be forced out of business, quite difficult to fathom.
With 98% customer satisfaction and £35 rather than £120 fares, surely WSMR would welcome a little healthy competition, especially from Arriva, where ATW customer satisfaction stands at just 86% and Cross Country a further point behind at 85%.
WSMR clearly have nothing to worry about, Arriva couldn't run a similar service if they tried.
Hulleys’ Closure - My Thoughts
3 days ago