This from Glenda Flagg...
Hats off to Rail Professional - it knows how to get the fellas pulses a racing.
Sticking Rail Barbie on the cover, a winking and a pouting through her long blond tresses with that come hither look.
Hither or thither, Glenda doesn't care!Rail Barbie is welcome to ride our train anytime!! (shurely run our failing franchises anytime? Ed)
Move over Mr Coucher man, there's only one candidate for the Network Rail top job and it ain't Ice Lady Vickie!!! Geddit!?!!? (You're fired. Ed)
UPDATE: This from Fiscal Rectitude...
I note from the list of quangocrat salaries published today that Elaine Holt is paid between £180k and £184.999 a year to chair Directly Operated Railways.
As DOR only runs the East Coast franchise (which has its own MD) I am struggling to see what Rail Barbie actually does to earn this not inconsiderable sum.
Which ever way you look at it the East Coast/DOR management structure seems remarkably top heavy.
Do we really have to wait for the McNulty review before making the obvious saving?
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Phwoar - What a stunner!!!
Glenda Flagg,
Rail Amateur,
Rail Barbie,