At last some good news for Labour leadership candidate Diane Abbot
Abbot has been trailing behind in the leadership race but all this looks set to change with today's exciting announcement that the TSSA have thrown their paperclips behind Diane's campaign.
Gerry Doherty, general secretary of the union, said, "Diane was the only candidate who supported our policy of a publicly owned railway without any qualification or hesitation.
"Labour went into the 1997 saying it was going to reverse the Tories' privatised railway but never did anything to undo that damage over the past 13 years.
"We want an affordable state-owned railway system like the rest of Europe. Diane agrees with that very sensible policy and we shall be asking our members to vote for her accordingly."
Fear not Gerry, a state owned railway system is exactly what you'll get.
Unfortunately the state in question appears to be Germany.
Friday, 9 July 2010
TSSA backs Reichsbahnmarschall Abbot
Abroad - but not for long,
Deutsche Bahn,
The brothers,