Telegrammed by Ithuriel
Didn't DfT Rail promise that they would evaluate the Intercity Express Programme...
...alongside the credible alternatives recommended by Sir Andrew Foster?
Here is Petrol-head in the Commons yesterday:
"I said at the beginning of my statement, but perhaps I was being obtuse, that other major rail projects are under consideration, and I hope to be able to make an announcement to the House in the next few weeks.
"The Intercity Express programme is one of those under consideration. As the hon. Gentleman will know, it is an extremely complex package of projects, and the new bid that we have received from Agility Trains requires careful analysis at a technical, financial and legal level. That work is ongoing, and once we have completed it, I will be in a position to make an announcement."
No mention of credible alternatives.
Since DfT Rail's IEP team believe that there are no credible alternatives, it is clear that there is no point in considering them.
What a waste of Sir Andrew's time and our money.
And if the 'new bid' requires 'technical and financial' analysis then the 'legal' is essential as Alstom, Bombardier and Siemens will surely protest.
UPDATE: This from The Archer...
Based on recent events Alstom will be protesting whether the ‘new bid’ is a New Bid or not.
Incidentally, if Agility Trains do go ahead with their North East investment plans any chance we could rename the project 'Whey-aye EP'?
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