This from the RMT...
TRANSPORT UNION RMT today paid tribute to the thousands of public transport staff in London and beyond who have been central to the delivery of the successful Olympics and Paralympics which drew to a close last night.
RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:
“This has been a fantastic summer of sport for Britain and as well as the success in the medals tables we have also delivered on the biggest transport challenge that London has ever faced.
“The successful transportation of the millions of extra passenger journeys each day is a testament to the skill and dedication of the workforce and has been achieved through increasing staffing levels and through ensuring a proper recognition and reward for the extra pressure carried by the transport team over the past two months.
“The lesson that has been learnt is that where staff are given the opportunity and the resources, in a spirit of co-operation rather than confrontation, they can deliver gold-standard services that are the envy of the world."
So far so good and quite right too.
But what's this?
After praising the spirit of 'co-operation' Crow Bar reverts to type:
“It would now be a travesty if TfL and the train operators were allowed to slide back to their old position of hacking away at jobs and standards in the drive for cuts and with the Games now successfully delivered RMT is demanding that there is no return to the bad old ways that undermined transport services prior to the Olympics and Paralympics.”
Eye congratulates Bob for being the first to "return to the bad old ways" that undermine transport services!
Hulleys’ Closure - My Thoughts
3 days ago