This from a Mr Ivy...
guess you've seen this from the RMT:
Nothing highlights the growing rail fares scandal more than the fact a
walk-on return fare from London to Newcastle costs £301, more than a round trip
flight to New York. Skyscanner are advertising return trips to the States for
£298 today.
I'm sure the 'Eye' would like to point out how
blatantly misleading the RMT is being – by comparing a walk-on rail-fare
with an advance booking air fare! It's appalling how they spin. Trouble
is, people will believe them….
of interest I've checked Skyscanner now, and 'walk-on' fare (I.e. For
travel today is £1,133 (the headline price of £796 is not available).
I'd like to give Bob Crow £298 and tell him to get to New York with that
as a 'walk-on' fare.
Is ATOC fuming. I'll bet not….!