Some interesting research by Ipsos MORI.
The research was undertaken across 28 countries in September.
Key findings for the UK railway and ahem… anyone planning a Budget!
Ipsos MORI found 46% of Britons choosing tracks and stations from a list as priorities for investment, ahead of new housing supply (43%) and flood defences (38%). These were last year’s top three, but rail was in third place a year ago.
Along with new housing supply, rail infrastructure is given higher priority in Britain relative to other G8 countries. In Britain, 38% rate the quality of rail as very/fairly good, compared to 51% in France and 60% in Japan (it is, though, 29% in Italy).
The higher priority given to investing in rail infrastructure compared to other countries does not reflect experience. Seven in ten (69%) rate the experience on their last journey positively, higher than the global average of six in ten (62%). However, British rail users are significantly more negative about the value for money of their last journey.
Details here.
More tracks a greater priority than new homes!
This ought to give one or two people pause for thought.
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Pay attention Mr Hammond!
Tracks before Homes