Evidently the Japanese Ambassador's throne has moved from Marsham Street to Horse Guards!
According to today's Northern Echo:
CHANCELLOR George Osborne tonight confirmed that plans to bring a high-speed train manufacturing plant to County Durham were on track.
Mr Osborne's comments, made during a visit to Japan, came after concerns were raised last month that the plans for the factory in Newton Aycliffe could be in jeopardy.
Eye understands that Gideon was welcomed on arrival in Japan with a song from Tokyo Rose and then invited into a newly built recreation facility by the traditional summons Tenko, Tenko, Tenko! (Is this right? Ed)
Once he emerged from the sweat box the considerably thinner Chancellor said:
"I am here in Japan seeing for myself the technology that is behind the new trains that will be built in Britain.
"The opening of the new factory that will build them with the investment and jobs it will bring is good news for people in the North East and good news for people using our railways.
"It is also good news for the wider economy, and evidence of a new, more balanced economy in Britain that will help deliver sustainable growth in the years to come."
After the celebrations Mr Osborne was invited to work on refurbishing the former British built railway linking Thailand and Burma. (You're fired! Ed)
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