This from Our Man at 222 Marylebone Road...
Additional portable loos and catering supplies are being rushed to Marsham Street to accommodate this sudden influx of hostages to fortune.
Theresa Villiers (Minister of State (Rail and Aviation), Transport; Chipping Barnet, Conservative):
Planned and actual delivery dates for departmental commitments are published in the DFT Strategic Business Plan, available on the Department's website and updated monthly.
The Department expects to publish shortly a Command Paper on Rail, which will include proposals on the structure of Network Rail.
The Department and Office of Rail Regulation are currently consulting jointly on the role of the regulator, and the consultation is due to close on 2 March 2012.
The High Level Output Specification is due to be published by July 2012, and delivery remains on track.
The new Intercity West Coast franchise is due to be awarded in the summer, and to commence in December 2012.
The Department is planning to reach financial close for both IEP and Thameslink in the spring of this year.
Cruella must be hoping that the mini-reshuffle, expected if the Energy Secretary is summoned by the CPS, happens soon...
Hulleys’ Closure - My Thoughts
3 days ago